Survey Finds Telehealth Increased Patient Visits for Majority of Healthcare Providers

by | Aug 9, 2022 | Digital Health, Healthcare Industry News, Telehealth News

A recent study conducted by CVS Health has uncovered that over half of healthcare providers have seen an increase in the visits they receive from patients. CVS Health is an organization that aids individuals in their personal healthcare journey. The healthcare entity promotes low costs and a high availability of health resources for people from all backgrounds with varying income levels.

Many individuals who avail of healthcare services find remote healthcare to be superior to in person. Forty one percent of people attribute this to not having to leave their home to receive care, while thirty seven percent say the lack of transportation cost motivates them, and thirty seven percent also say the time they save by not seeing their specialist in person is to do with their desire to go for remote services. Sixty one percent of healthcare consumers are likely to avail of a virtual appointment if a physical examination with their clinicians is not included.

Healthcare providers can also identify the benefit consumers receive from these services. Over half of providers have elected to offer virtual services to their patients, while a little under half of providers have also implemented either mobile applications or virtual portals to further aid their patients in receiving remote healthcare. Adding to the fifty three percent of healthcare entities that received more patient appointments from adding virtual care to their services, an overwhelming majority also stated that they believe patients engaging in virtual appointments were more likely to schedule and attend appointments.

Mental Health

Telehealth has been imperative in the treatment of patients with mental health issues during the global pandemic. Today, twenty percent of Americans over the age of 18 have been suffering with various forms of mental illness. The CVS report found that over seven out of ten individuals suffering from mental health issues would benefit from the convenience of remote appointments. Additionally, over half of people surveyed stated that remote appointments would improve the chance of them availing of healthcare related to their mental health. Finally, fifty seven percent individuals expressed that they value telehealth appointments to be more private to an appointment that takes place in person.

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